0. 前言
- 无名管道:特点:多用于亲缘关系进程间通信,方向为单向;为阻塞读写;通信进程双方退出后自动消失问题:多进程用同一管道通信容易造成交叉读写的问题
- 有名管道: FIFO(First In First Out),方向为单向(双向需两个FIFO),以磁盘文件的方式存在;通信双方一方不存在则阻塞
- 消息队列: 可用于同主机任意多进程的通信,但其可存放的数据有限,应用于少量的数据传递
- 共享内存: 可实现同主机任意进程间大量数据的通信,但多进程对共享内存的访问存在着竞争
- 同主机进程间同步机制:信号量(Semaphore)
- 同主机进程间异步机制:信号(Signal)
1. IPC
IPC, Inter-Process Communication,进程间通信,包括消息队列、信号量和共享内存三种机制。
IPC使用前必须要先创建,每种IPC都有其创建者、所有者和访问权限。 使用ipcs
可以查看系统中的IPC工具: [niesh@niesh ~]$ ipcs--------- 消息队列 -----------键 msqid 拥有者 权限 已用字节数 消息------------ 共享内存段 --------------键 shmid 拥有者 权限 字节 nattch 状态0x00000000 131072 niesh 600 524288 2 目标0x00000000 163841 niesh 600 4194304 2 目标--------- 信号量数组 -----------键 semid 拥有者 权限 nsems
- key: 用于创建ID值(ID值由一个进程创建的话,由于进程资源的私有性,另一个进程无法获取到该ID);采用统一key值创建的ID是相同的;
- id: IPC机制的唯一标识
1). 获取key值 - ftok():
- 作用: 获取key值
key_t ftok(const char *pathname, int proj_id)参数:
proj_id: 作为key值的组成部分,用到了低8位返回值:
bit 描述 31-24 proj_id & 0xFF (低8位) 23-16 stat(pathname).st_dev & 0xFF (低8位) 15-0 stat(pathname).st_ino & 0xFFFF (低16位) 失败:-1
- struct msqid_ds: 消息队列数据结构
- struct msg: 单个消息的数据结构
- struct msgbuf: 用户自定义消息缓冲区
- struct msginfo:
2. 消息队列
1). 常用数据结构
①. struct msqid_ds
/* FILE: /usr/include/linux/msg.h *//* Obsolete, used only for backwards compatibility and libc5 compiles */struct msqid_ds { struct ipc_perm msg_perm; struct msg *msg_first; /* first message on queue,unused */ struct msg *msg_last; /* last message in queue,unused */ __kernel_time_t msg_stime; /* last msgsnd time */ __kernel_time_t msg_rtime; /* last msgrcv time */ __kernel_time_t msg_ctime; /* last change time */ unsigned long msg_lcbytes; /* Reuse junk fields for 32 bit */ unsigned long msg_lqbytes; /* ditto */ unsigned short msg_cbytes; /* current number of bytes on queue */ unsigned short msg_qnum; /* number of messages in queue */ unsigned short msg_qbytes; /* max number of bytes on queue */ __kernel_ipc_pid_t msg_lspid; /* pid of last msgsnd */ __kernel_ipc_pid_t msg_lrpid; /* last receive pid */};
/* FILE: /usr/include/bits/ipc.h *//* Data structure used to pass permission information to IPC operations. */struct ipc_perm { __key_t __key; /* Key. */ __uid_t uid; /* Owner's user ID. */ __gid_t gid; /* Owner's group ID. */ __uid_t cuid; /* Creator's user ID. */ __gid_t cgid; /* Creator's group ID. */ unsigned short int mode; /* Read/write permission. */ unsigned short int __pad1; unsigned short int __seq; /* Sequence number. */ unsigned short int __pad2; __syscall_ulong_t __unused1; __syscall_ulong_t __unused2; };
②. struct msg
/* FILE: /usr/src/kernels/3.10.0-327.el7.x86_64/include/linux/msg.h *//* one msg_msg structure for each message */struct msg_msg { struct list_head m_list; long m_type; size_t m_ts; /* message text size */ struct msg_msgseg* next; void *security; /* the actual message follows immediately */};
③. struct msgbuf (编程时,必须自己实现,因为mtext大小未定义)
/*FILE: /usr/include/linux/msg.h *//* message buffer for msgsnd and msgrcv calls */struct msgbuf { long mtype; /* type of message */ char mtext[1]; /* 信息实体(用户可自定义大小) */};
④. struct msginfo
/* FILE: /usr/include/linux/msg.h *//* buffer for msgctl calls IPC_INFO, MSG_INFO */struct msginfo { int msgpool; /* Size in kibibytes of buffer pool used to hold message data; unused within kernel */ int msgmap; /* Maximum number of entries in message map; unused within kernel */ int msgmax; /* Maximum number of bytes that can be written in a single message */ int msgmnb; /* Maximum number of bytes that can be written to queue; used to initialize msg_qbytes during queue creation (msgget(2)) */ int msgmni; /* Maximum number of message queues */ int msgssz; /* Message segment size; unused within kernel */ int msgtql; /* Maximum number of messages on all queues in system; unused within kernel */ unsigned short int msgseg; /* Maximum number of segments; unused within kernel */};
2). 消息队列的操作
①. 创建消息队列 - msgget():
- 作用: 创建消息队列
int msgget(key_t key, int msgflg)参数:
key: 有函数 ftok 返回的key值
msgflg: 消息队列的访问权限
msgflg num description IPC_CREAT 0x1000 若key不存在,则创建;存在,则返回ID IPC_EXCL 0x2000 若key存在,返回失败 IPC_NOWAIT 0x4000 若需要等待,直接返回错误 返回值:
成功:消息队列的ID 失败:-1
②. 消息队列属性控制 - msgctl():
- 作用: 设置/获取消息队列的属性值
int msgctl(int msqid, int cmd, struct msqid_ds *buf)参数:
msqid: 消息队列ID
cmd: 要执行的操作
micro number description IPC_RMID 0 删除消息队列 IPC_SET 1 设置ipc_perm的参数 IPC_STAT 2 从内核结构体msqid复制信息到msgqid_ds IPC_INFO 3 获取限制信息到msginfo结构体 MSG_INFO 12 同IPC_INFO,但会返回msginfo.msgpool/msgmap/msgtql 返回值:
成功: 0(IPC_RMID/IPC_SET/IPC_STAT), 消息队列数组索引的最大值(IPC_INFO/MSG_INFO) 失败:-1
③. 发送/接收消息队列 - msgsnd()/msgrcv():
- 作用: 发送消息到消息队列(添加到尾端)/接收消息
int msgsnd(int msqid, const void *msgp, size_t msgsz, int msgflg).
ssize_t msgrcv(int msqid, void *msgp, size_t msgsz, long msgtyp, int msgflg)参数:
msqid: 消息队列的ID值,msgget()的返回值
msgp: struct msgbuf,(发送/接收数据的暂存区,由用户自定义大小)msgsz: 发送/接收消息的大小(范围:0~MSGMAP)msgflg: 当达到系统为消息队列所指定的界限时,采取的操作(一般设置为0)msgtyp:
msgtyp description = 0 读取队列中的第一个消息 > 0 读取消息队列的第一条 msgbuf.mtype=msgtype
的消息< 0 读取第一条 lowest msgbuf.mtype < abs(msgtyp)
成功: 0 (for msgsnd()); 实际写入到mtext的字符个数 (for msgrcv()) 失败:-1
3. 示例代码
- server:
- 等待接收客户端发送的数据,若时间超出600s,则自动exit;
- 当收到信息后,打印接收到的数据;并原样的发送给客户端,由客户端显示
- client:
- 启动两个进程(父子进程),父进程用于发送数据,子进程接收由server发送的数据;
- 发送数据:由使用者手动输入信息,回车后发送;当写入“end~”后,退出本进程
- 接收数据:接收由Server端发送的数据信息,并打印
1. Client#include#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define BUF_SIZE 128//Rebuild the strcut (must be)struct msgbuf{ long mtype; char mtext[BUF_SIZE];};int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ //1. creat a mseg queue key_t key; int msgId; printf("THe process(%s),pid=%d started~\n", argv[0], getpid()); key = ftok(".", 0xFF); msgId = msgget(key, IPC_CREAT|0644); if(-1 == msgId) { perror("msgget"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } //2. creat a sub process, wait the server message pid_t pid; if(-1 == (pid = fork())) { perror("vfork"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } //In child process if(0 == pid) { while(1) { alarm(0); alarm(100); //if doesn't receive messge in 100s, timeout & exit struct msgbuf rcvBuf; memset(&rcvBuf, '\0', sizeof(struct msgbuf)); msgrcv(msgId, &rcvBuf, BUF_SIZE, 2, 0); printf("Server said: %s\n", rcvBuf.mtext); } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else //parent process { while(1) { usleep(100); struct msgbuf sndBuf; memset(&sndBuf, '\0', sizeof(sndBuf)); char buf[BUF_SIZE] ; memset(buf, '\0', sizeof(buf)); printf("\nInput snd mesg: "); scanf("%s", buf); strncpy(sndBuf.mtext, buf, strlen(buf)+1); sndBuf.mtype = 1; if(-1 == msgsnd(msgId, &sndBuf, strlen(buf)+1, 0)) { perror("msgsnd"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } //if scanf "end~", exit if(!strcmp("end~", buf)) break; } printf("THe process(%s),pid=%d exit~\n", argv[0], getpid()); } return 0;}
2. Server
#include#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define BUF_SIZE 128//Rebuild the strcut (must be)struct msgbuf{ long mtype; char mtext[BUF_SIZE];};int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ //1. creat a mseg queue key_t key; int msgId; key = ftok(".", 0xFF); msgId = msgget(key, IPC_CREAT|0644); if(-1 == msgId) { perror("msgget"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("Process (%s) is started, pid=%d\n", argv[0], getpid()); while(1) { alarm(0); alarm(600); //if doesn't receive messge in 600s, timeout & exit struct msgbuf rcvBuf; memset(&rcvBuf, '\0', sizeof(struct msgbuf)); msgrcv(msgId, &rcvBuf, BUF_SIZE, 1, 0); printf("Receive msg: %s\n", rcvBuf.mtext); struct msgbuf sndBuf; memset(&sndBuf, '\0', sizeof(sndBuf)); strncpy((sndBuf.mtext), (rcvBuf.mtext), strlen(rcvBuf.mtext)+1); sndBuf.mtype = 2; if(-1 == msgsnd(msgId, &sndBuf, strlen(rcvBuf.mtext)+1, 0)) { perror("msgsnd"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } //if scanf "end~", exit if(!strcmp("end~", rcvBuf.mtext)) break; } printf("THe process(%s),pid=%d exit~\n", argv[0], getpid()); return 0;}